
The Nominating Committee is responsible for soliciting nominations for offices to be filled, developing a slate of officers that reflects CACRAO's professional, geographical, and institutional diversity and presenting that proposed slate to the membership prior to each annual meeting.

2024 Committee Members

Emily Karpinski, Chair 

Converse University

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Nominations for 2024 are now open!

We are now soliticing nomiations for the 2024 Executive Committee and Nominating Committee. Submit the form above to nominate CACRAO members for the following positions:

  • President-Elect - (3-year term - President-Elect, President, Immediate Past President
  • Vice President for Admissions (SC) - (2-year term)
  • Vice President for Registrars - (2-year term)
  • Treasurer - (2-year term)
  • Public Relations Officer - (2-year term)
  • Nominating Committee - (1-year term with one individual serving a 2-year term)

The nominating committee will contact all nominees to ask if they accept the nomination for consideration and ask for additional information. For the Executive Committee positions, the nominating committee will propose a slate of officers to be voted on at the Annual Meeting. 

The Nominating Committee for the subsequent year shall be elected from a pool of no less than ten candidates proposed by the membership and/or selected by the current Nominating Committee. The candidate receiving the most votes, will be named the Chair-Elect of the Nominating Committee and must be willing to serve on the committee for a two-year term. By accepting a position on the Nominating Committee, the CACRAO member is willingly removing themselves from consideration for a leadership position for the year in which the member would serve to nominate individuals for leadership positions in the Association.

More information about the various positions can be found by proceeding to the nominations form or by visiting the Constitution and By-Laws pages.



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PO Box 487, Youngsville, NC 27596
© 2018 CACRAO, Inc.