An expense voucher must be submitted if any expenses related to CACRAO business are incurred. In order to appropriately manage CACRAO’s budget, invoices should be submitted for payment within 30 days of the expense being incurred. A receipt or invoice is required for each expense item.
There are 3 types of expense vouchers:
Request for payment - This is the most commonly used form. It should be used to summarize expenses related to CACRAO business, along with all receipts, for reimbursement or payment.
Credit card/ACH authorization - This form will typically be used by EC members who either hold a CACRAO credit card to reconcile expenses made or to request ACH authorization.
Travel reimbursement - This form is used to summarize personal travel expenses, including receipts, for CACRAO business.
Here is a link to a training video to assist you with submitting an Expense Voucher in ProcessMaker.
When submitting an expense voucher, please select the account the expense should be tied to. All accounts are listed below. If you are not sure which is the appropriate account, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Expense Accounts
The CACRAO Admin, President, President-Elect and Immediate Past-President have CACRAO credit cards to be used for CACRAO expenses only.
The credit card authorization should be used to reconcile charges made or to request payment by credit card or ACH to a vendor. For reconciliation, credit card receipts must be submitted by the 15th of the following month the charge is made.
Description of expenditure - Ex: Annual Meeting Monday event charges
Line Item - Ex: Amazon or Event Vendor Name