

As amended December 9, 2024
The name of this organization shall be CAROLINAS ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGIATE REGISTRARS AND ADMISSIONS OFFICERS (hereafter referred to as CACRAO). 
Section 1. This shall be a professional educational association, voluntary and nonprofit. 
Section 2. The purposes of this association shall be: 1.) The advancement of higher education in its fullest and broadest aspects; 2.) The promotion of professional development of its members; 3.) The fostering of a spirit of unity, cooperation and exchange of ideas through annual meetings, committee activities, workshops, and relationships with the Southern Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers, the American Association of Collegiate Registrars and Admissions Officers, and other professional associations. 
Section 3. None of the Association's funds shall inure to the benefit of any private individual or organization except for services actually rendered or goods actually purchased, and upon dissolution any remaining funds or assets shall be distributed to some educational or other charitable or tax‐exempt organization. 
Section 1. Membership shall be five types: (1) charter, (2) full, (3) associate, (4) professional affiliate, and (5) honorary. 
Section 2. All institutions which held membership in NCACRAO and SCACRAO in 1971 are charter members of CACRAO. 
Section 3. Eligibility for full membership shall include any nonprofit, degree granting (associate or above) institution with post‐secondary school education purposes from North Carolina or South Carolina. Voting privileges are extended to each person from any institution granted full membership who is charged with responsibility in the field of admissions, registration, and records. 
Section 4. Eligibility for associate membership may be extended to any institution or organization, including proprietary schools, involved with post‐secondary education if this membership would be beneficial to both the organization requesting membership and to the Association. Associate membership carries all of the rights, privileges, and responsibilities of full membership, except voting. 
Section 5. Believing that professional service should be honored, individuals may be approved by the Executive Committee for honorary membership. Honorary members are nonvoting. 
Section 6. In recognition of the contributions made to the organization by individuals serving in the role of president, honorary membership will be awarded at the completion of their time as immediate past president. The benefits of honorary membership will be suspended until the individual is no longer eligible for full, associate, or professional affiliate membership. 
Section 7. Professional affiliate membership may be extended at the invitation of the Executive Committee to professional associations whose interests and activities coordinate significantly with those of the Association. This membership shall allow for cooperation in appropriate activities and for representation of the professional association in CACRAO functions. Professional affiliate membership carries all of the rights, privileges, and responsibilities of full membership, except voting. 
Section 1. The officers of this organization shall be a president, president‐elect, immediate past president, a vice president for Admissions from North Carolina, a vice president for Admissions from South Carolina, vice president for Registrars from North Carolina, vice president of Registrars from South Carolina, secretary, public relations officer, and treasurer. The officers shall perform their duties as prescribed in the By‐laws. They shall assume office at the close of the annual meeting at which elected. 
Section 2. The president‐elect shall be elected by plurality vote of those present and voting at the annual meeting. This person shall hold office until the adjournment of the next annual meeting at which time they shall succeed to the office of president. The president‐elect shall serve as parliamentarian. 
Section 3. The president shall automatically succeed to the office of immediate past president. This person shall hold office until the adjournment of the next annual meeting. This person shall be a non‐voting member of the Executive Committee. 
Section 4. The secretary shall be elected by the plurality of those present and voting at the annual meeting and shall hold office for a period of two years. They may not succeed themselves. 
Section 5. The treasurer shall be elected by the plurality of those present and voting at the annual meeting and shall hold office for a period of two years. They may not succeed themselves.  
Section 6. The vice president for Admissions for North Carolina and the vice president for Admissions for South Carolina shall be elected by the plurality vote of those present and voting at the annual meeting and shall hold office for a period of two years. They may not succeed themselves. 
Section 7. The vice president for Registrars for North Carolina and the vice president for Registrars for South Carolina shall be elected by the plurality vote of those present and voting at the annual meeting and shall hold office for a period of two years. They may not succeed themselves.
Section 8. The public relations officer shall be elected by the plurality of those present and voting at the annual meeting and shall hold office for a period of two years. They may not succeed themselves. 
Section 9. Any officer or committee member who as a result of a change in employer or institutional responsibilities and becomes ineligible for CACRAO membership, may continue to participate in CACRAO activities and continue his or her CACRAO duties only at the discretion and approval of the Executive Committee. 
Section 10. At no time shall there be more than two elected officers from the same institution. 
Section 1. The Executive Committee shall consist of the elected officers of the Association and two appointees for each state, being inclusive of traditionally underrepresented members. The Executive Committee shall set the time and place of the annual meeting, shall assist the president-elect in the planning for the annual meeting, and shall have authority over the affairs of the organization between its annual meetings. The president, or the president-elect, shall call at least three executive committee meetings each year. 
Section 2. Two members at large from each state shall be appointed by the elected officers to serve as members of the Executive Committee. The four members at large should be assigned duties at the discretion of the elected officers consistent with provisions in the association's by-laws. Their term of office shall be for one year.
Section 3. The standing committees of the CACRAO shall be established and appointed as prescribed in the By-laws. Their responsibilities and membership shall be as outlined in Article VII of the By‐laws. Membership in all standing committees will reflect professional, geographical, and institutional diversity and be inclusive of traditionally underrepresented members. At least one member of each standing committee shall be appointed annually for a two‐year term in order to ensure continuity. 
Section 4. The president shall appoint at least one member of the Executive Committee to serve as ex‐officio to each standing committee. 
Section 5. The president shall appoint all standing and special committees with the exception of the Nominating Committee, for which is selected by majority, by the membership. The president shall designate a Chair for all committees of five members or less and a Co-Chair for all committees of more than five members. 
Section 6. The Chair of each standing or special committee shall submit to the President 30 days prior to the annual meeting a written report of the activities of the committee and updates to the procedures manual. 
Section 7. Committee appointments should be made to achieve as broad as possible individual and institutional representation. 
Section 8. Other appropriate committees may be established by the president as deemed necessary. 

Section 1. With the exception of the office of President-Elect, the Executive Committee shall have the authority to fill any vacancy by the appointment of another member eligible to hold office for the remainder of the unexpired term. 
Section 2. In the event of a vacancy in the office of president, the president‐elect shall succeed to that office. A vacancy in any other office shall be filled through appointment by the Executive Committee to serve in that capacity until elections are held at the next annual meeting. 
Section 3. In the event of a vacancy in the office of President-Elect, the Nominations Committee shall nominate a slate of nominees for the office and conduct a special election to fill the vacancy for the remainder of the unexpired term. 
Section 4. Any individual elected or appointed to serve an unexpired term shall be eligible to serve a succeeding full term or terms, as provided for in the constitution. 

Section 1. This constitution may be amended at the annual meeting of the Association by a plurality of the voting membership present at the annual meeting. 
Section 2. All amendments to the constitution must be submitted to the Constitution and By‐laws Committee in writing for its review. All proposed amendments will be submitted to the membership at the next business session with a "do pass" or "do not pass" recommendation. 
The rules contained in the current edition of Roberts Rules of Order shall govern CACRAO in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with the Bylaws and any special rules of order that CACRAO may adopt.
CACRAO, Inc. is exempt from Federal income tax under section 501(c)(6) of the Internal Revenue Code.  

PO Box 487, Youngsville, NC 27596
© 2018 CACRAO, Inc.